If your business is outside city and town limits, it is likely located in unincorporated Snohomish County.The business will be located and/or operated in unincorporated Snohomish County. Learn more about how these businesses are defined on the Business Types and Licensing Fees page.ĪND 2.Snohomish County Licensing issues business licenses only for the following types of businesses and their employees:.The business is a Title 6 business under the county code.
Businesses and their employees that meet both conditions below must obtain a business license from Snohomish County Licensing.ġ. You will need a Snohomish County business license only if you operate a business that engages in a regulated activity within unincorporated Snohomish County. Most businesses do not need a Snohomish County business license. Does your business need a Snohomish County business license?